Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Wearing a yoke that fits

It has been some time since I last blogged, but tonight I heard a message at Kairos through which God, not only reassured me but affirmed the call placed on my heart and life. It's strange when that happens, I always think - or maybe it's just me, but I tend to assume I'm not doing the right thing. I'm either working too hard or not enough; socialising too much or not enough; not focussing enough or having tunnel vision. Sometimes, it's because other people tell us, but not all the time; often it's just us convincing ourselves that our default position is rebellion. Whatever the issue seems to be, there's always someone there to draw our attention to how we're doing, thinking, feeling, in the right way. However, sometimes there are exceptions.
There are times in our lives when we, instead of staring down the gullet of a whale, we're oriented in the direction that God desires for us, in fact has hoped and planned for us. This is when we accept the yoke Jesus bears with us. This yoke fits. It's not the opposed to work, certainly not the opposition of burden or hardship, nevertheless it fits. It is light and it is easy because you were creator by God for this purpose. In that moment, standing beside Christ and because of him, where he has promised to remain, we are strong and secure.

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Feeling like I've arrived

Hello everyone,
Well, I've finally arrived back in Nashville, TN and 'boysadear' (as they say back home) what a great welcome back. God has blessed me with friends, co-workers and colleagues and I've been able to spend the last 2 days just re-connecting with as many people as possible. But, the hard work starts here! It's good to be reminded that God capitalises on our weaknesses because as we decrease He increases, and that's a strength that none of us can do without. It's my prayer, at this time, that I will recognise my tendency to be proud and have selfish motivations, but most of all to surrender my weaknesses to God and let Him do His thing. I have always things to learn, none of us have 'arrived' in our Christian lives, God has still got a lot of work to do - all we can do is be open to His leading!
Amen, to that!

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Choose life

Thomas a Kempis, a 15th-century Augustine Hermit, said in his The Imitation of Christ, "Of what use is a long life if we amend so little? Alas, a long life often adds to our sins rather than to our virtue!"
It has only been 5 weeks since the death of my grandmother - God blessed me so much with being home over the past few months to be with family - however, it's at times of bereavement when we truly reflect on our own lives. Our past, the present and what the future holds either become experiences and times that we celebrate or become anxious about. Kempis challenges us to think about our actions and our attitudes as he echos Joshua's question (24:15) "Choose today whom you will serve?"
It may sound dramatic to say that every day is a battle but it is my experience, from the past few months at least, that every day is an internal battle. It's difficult to discern God's will sometimes and sometimes we need to open our eyes and acknowledge that despite our best efforts we frequently fail in making the right decisions. Paul said in his letter that he finds himself doing the very thing that he doesn't want to do, and we are the same.
God knows our weaknesses and our inability to win these everyday battles. It's only through his grace that we can stand in his presence, and be completely confident of his love for us. Stand firm on this truth the next time you face a battle, and put your trust in God a-fresh today, choose life abundant!

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Prayer Letter 10

Dear pray-ers,
This month I return to a verse that has meant a great deal to me since my GAP year, 5 years ago. Proverbs 16:9 “In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.” The implications of this truth are incredible. And, over the last 4 months I have found that God is in control when I’m not; he still wants to guide when I’m reluctant to be led; he remains faithful when I’m only fit for failure; and he always sets the trajectory of our life’s journey even when we’re staring hopelessly at our sluggish feet. As we reminded ourselves in the Christian Union at St Andrews – whatever happens, Jesus is LORD!
On the back of that introduction, there is finally GOOD NEWS on the visa front. As of yesterday, I have an interview date at the London embassy for my student visa (2pm on Wednesday 13th May). Phew, it has been a long time coming, but as you can imagine I am truly relieved and thankful to reach this stage of the process. The interview is scheduled and whatever happens now remains, as always, in God’s hands – and who’s better!
Once I have been interviewed, it will be another week until I receive my visa-ed passport back in the post – only then will I know whether I’ve been granted entry to the States for the duration of my training. After getting my passport back it is only a matter of buying flights until I return to Nashville. If everything works out, come June I will be starting a 2 year MA Theology degree program at Memphis Theological Seminary (this is a different institution to the one I was attending last year). I’ve been in email contact with the university, with Mack Strange (Pastor of Trinity Church in Spring Hill) and Deech Kirk (the CYMT director) and they are very pleased to have their prayers answered. I’m very grateful for all the time and effort they have both invested to get me to this point.
But still, there is much to pray for. Please give all praise to God for his faithfulness, thank him for hearing and answering your prayers. Thank him for giving peace to me at this time, and for the direction and opportunities he has put in my path while I’ve been at home. However, I have to admit to feeling a little anxious about the next few weeks, especially as I could be in Tennessee in as little as 5 or 6 weeks. The uncertainty of this process has been hard but since being home (for the longest time since leaving secondary school); I believe that it will be more difficult to leave this time than before. I’ve got closer to family and to the people I worship with at Pettigo Methodist. Please pray for God to make his purposes clear to me and that I will have the strength to trust him more as he leads me through this next stage of my life. Thank-you again for all your support.
Yours in Christ,

Sunday, 12 April 2009

O uncertainty where is your victory?

I think that it’s only human to go through periods of frustration, uncertainty and anxiety. And, most of us will admit to a spot of impatience at such times. We all react in different ways – some bottle up their feelings and trudge on despite their unhappiness, others will make sure that everyone knows what a hard time they’re going through. I think I go through both of those on a daily basis.
I guess I’m experiencing some uncertainty at the moment. Having recently graduated, my thoughts turned to the future (which for a student is the next 12 months - little steps at a time). As a Christian I believe that God is in control; that He has a master plan, even though I can’t see how it’s all going to end up.

But how easy is it really to take hope from that truth when you’re in the midst of frustration and things aren’t working out the way that you’d planned. I know that when I wasn’t able to return to study and work in America after Christmas God’s purpose was the last think I could see. And yet, this isn’t a new story. Just imagine the hopelessness that those who loved Jesus would have felt during the final week of his life leading up to his crucifixion.

I worry about God’s plan for my life, about the next step along the way, where I’ll be and what I’ll be doing. And I rarely react towards the uncertainty in a Christian-like manner – it generally involves lashing out at those who are nearest. But, the Bible is full of people who were quick-tempered and disappointed; many wrote psalms, others prayed to God about their heartache and anger and our hymn books are full of writers inspired by life’s ups and downs.

The American hymn writer Adelaide Pollard, lived at the turn of the century and believed that God wanted her in Africa as a missionary. However, she couldn’t raise the funds needs to go. In an uncertain state of mind, she attended a prayer meeting where she heard an elderly women pray. “It’s all right, Lord. It doesn’t matter what you bring into our lives, just have your own way with us.” At home that night, much encouraged, she wrote "Have thine own way with me" based on Isaiah 64.
Verse 4 says that, “Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.” Verse 8 reminds us that, “O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.” Adelaide Pollard had to be reminded, and often so do we – and what better time than at Easter – that God is alive and at work in our lives and in the world today. Whatever the situation we find ourselves, whether joblessness, bereavement, ill-health or uncertainty God desires to have his way with us. Remind with Him and He will remain with us.

Friday, 9 January 2009

Prayer Letter 7

Dear pray-ers,
It’s been just over 5 weeks since my last prayer letter and I’ve been back in the UK since the 22nd December. I have been able to meet many of you, whose prayers have made such a difference to me, my studies and training in ministry since moving to Nashville, Tennessee in July 2008. I am humbled by your faithfulness and reminded that prayer does bring about remarkable changes in the world. Too often I am guilty of neglecting prayer myself, probably because I am not always truly convinced that it accomplishes much. However, as I stand on the brink of a fresh new year, I am challenged to admit again that effective prayer is only made possible by our Mediator, Jesus Christ. This year will hold many things, some good and some bad. But, through it all God has promised to be with us and answer the prayers of those who love him. May we all proceed into 2009 encouraged and re-invigorated in the knowledge of this; inspired to pray fervent and faithful prayers. My hope is that when I open the lines of communication with God I will, above all, delight and depend on him, bathing in his gracious goodness and power.
On that note, thanks for all your prayers regarding the complicated process of changing and extending my US visa. Most recent developments have meant that my return to Nashville is delayed for a week or so, though not beyond 21st January. Currently, I am waiting to hear from the US Immigration Services who will either approve or reject a petition, submitted by CYMT on my behalf, to apply for a visa extension. Once the petition is approved (there shouldn’t be any real issue with this), I will try and get an appointment with the US Consulate in Belfast. This appointment will be an interview for an employment visa which will allow me to stay in the States until the completion of my training (August 2010). Please continue to pray for this ongoing situation.
I have managed to talk to Deech Kirk (CYMT Managing Director) and to Rev. Mack Strange (Pastor of Trinity Church, a campus of Brentwood United Methodist Church in Spring Hill) they have reassured me that although I am missing classes and work, they are more concerned with my return – thank God for them. Please remember Mack and the Trinity Church staff, volunteers and the people of Spring Hill in your prayers. The official launch date for the church is the 25th January and much needs done and thought about before then. Pray for the pre-school and children’s ministry, especially for Leslie Weaver who is, in my absence, currently looking after everything in this area. Above all, pray for wisdom and discernment as I return to a larger church family, with a growing number of children and youth who need to know the love of Christ and be welcomed into a vibrant community who desire to see them make meaningful connections with their Creator and Father. Pray for clarity in developing a youth program that will give many opportunities for meeting peers and enjoying the fellowship and security of a loving Christian community.