Dear pray-ers,
It’s been just over 5 weeks since my last prayer letter and I’ve been back in the UK since the 22nd December. I have been able to meet many of you, whose prayers have made such a difference to me, my studies and training in ministry since moving to Nashville, Tennessee in July 2008. I am humbled by your faithfulness and reminded that prayer does bring about remarkable changes in the world. Too often I am guilty of neglecting prayer myself, probably because I am not always truly convinced that it accomplishes much. However, as I stand on the brink of a fresh new year, I am challenged to admit again that effective prayer is only made possible by our Mediator, Jesus Christ. This year will hold many things, some good and some bad. But, through it all God has promised to be with us and answer the prayers of those who love him. May we all proceed into 2009 encouraged and re-invigorated in the knowledge of this; inspired to pray fervent and faithful prayers. My hope is that when I open the lines of communication with God I will, above all, delight and depend on him, bathing in his gracious goodness and power.
On that note, thanks for all your prayers regarding the complicated process of changing and extending my US visa. Most recent developments have meant that my return to Nashville is delayed for a week or so, though not beyond 21st January. Currently, I am waiting to hear from the US Immigration Services who will either approve or reject a petition, submitted by CYMT on my behalf, to apply for a visa extension. Once the petition is approved (there shouldn’t be any real issue with this), I will try and get an appointment with the US Consulate in Belfast. This appointment will be an interview for an employment visa which will allow me to stay in the States until the completion of my training (August 2010). Please continue to pray for this ongoing situation.
I have managed to talk to Deech Kirk (CYMT Managing Director) and to Rev. Mack Strange (Pastor of Trinity Church, a campus of Brentwood United Methodist Church in Spring Hill) they have reassured me that although I am missing classes and work, they are more concerned with my return – thank God for them. Please remember Mack and the Trinity Church staff, volunteers and the people of Spring Hill in your prayers. The official launch date for the church is the 25th January and much needs done and thought about before then. Pray for the pre-school and children’s ministry, especially for Leslie Weaver who is, in my absence, currently looking after everything in this area. Above all, pray for wisdom and discernment as I return to a larger church family, with a growing number of children and youth who need to know the love of Christ and be welcomed into a vibrant community who desire to see them make meaningful connections with their Creator and Father. Pray for clarity in developing a youth program that will give many opportunities for meeting peers and enjoying the fellowship and security of a loving Christian community.