I think I know things, I fancy myself as pretty intuitive, a decent judge of character and circumstance. To be honest most people do. Few would call themselves gullible or just plain dumb when it comes to being able to navigate social situations, interacting with others, having wisdom and awareness in self-reflection. But, that is perhaps my downfall, the proverbial 'plank in the eye'. I proudly assume awareness and fail to acknowledge my blind spots, limited perspective and potential to be...dear goodness...wrong. Time for a reality check! A re-orienting! Wisdom is a gift from God...FACT! It's a Kingdom thing, a piece of the divine realm allowed to push through into the physical, to inform our decisions and movements through this world, and give us a glimpse of God's clarity in a world that is never black and white. May my prayers be humble and my sights set on the provider and supplier of all blessings and gifts.
Adventures are always fun! But, embarking on an adventure in which God is the guide and prayer is the fuel is an even greater privilege, perhaps an even more fun-filled and fulfilling experience. Thank-you everyone who reads this blog and is touched, challenged or encouraged by the things written here.