Monday, 25 August 2008

Case in point

Guess what? Yesterday, it was just like God has read my post (it's funny how that happens - God is omniscent, omnipresent, omnipotent).
At BUMC Sunday mornings see over 100 7th and 8th graders pass through the doors into Sunday School. This is a time for celebration and for praise. We, as leaders, need to do an awful lot of talking at the front of the group...with the dreaded direct this large number of kids through the activities and then the devotion.
To be honest, I don't really like talking through a mic, or feel the most comfortable with such a large large group - especially as it's only my 2nd week and I don't really know any of the kids yet. So, I guess I have just convinced myself that I'm better at leading smaller groups, using the excuse that, "it's what I'm used it".
However, I had a 7th grade boy come up to me amidst a lettuce-related activity yesterday (you can ask about that yourself) and say how good he thought I was at annoucing stuff through the microphone. I was so humbled and yet didn't really have time to process what had just happened. Later on in the day I realised that this was a case in point. This was an unexpected thing, a blessing, from an unexpected person. In many ways it was a little thing, on the other hand his encouragement was more sincere and more powerful than one from another leader.
Isn't it good to know that God is faithful even in the little things that we are concerned with. I definately thought it was a wow moment!

1 comment:

Lynn Cowell said...

Hello! I just saw that you had posted a comment in an old blog I had for teens. I loved reading your blog. Any one who loves teens is special to me!

How did you get connected to teens?
I started a new blog tonight for teens called It is based on Psalm 45:11 "The King is wild for you..." It is my passion to share with teens, especially young girls that Jesus is flipped out madly in love with them! I know this made all of the difference in my life. I know it will do the same for others.
I hope you stop by again!