Saturday, 4 October 2008

The ebb and flo of spiritual seasons

Fall has arrived here in Nashville and it's not like Autumn back home - given that I got a little sunburnt this morning at a soccer match. Incidentally, I've also entered a new phase in my spiritual life, although it seems strange to view my life as consisting of separate components, I prefer not to treat my 'spiritual' life in isolation from the the whole. However, if you have been a Christian for more than a week then you will realise what I mean when I say that, fluctuation in emotions and feelings towards the disciplines of prayer and bible reading happens. Our enthusiasm for personal soul-tending practices experience highs and lows. Actually, the picture of 'highs and lows' doesn't really cut it - after all, no one season is necessarily better than another. Currently, I am going through a quieter Fall period, where as my weeks schedule seems to be filling up my relationship with God seems to have slowed down a little - and not in a bad way, just different from the initial craziness! So, I continue to remind myself that God is faithful, and that he is in control, teaching, loving, guiding, comforting, prompting and preparing for action. This is a time of rejuvenation and vision-casting. I pray for patience during this season, as it ebbs and flos, that God's Spirit will rise up from within me and surrender my agenda for God.

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