Sunday, 28 December 2008

Without vision the people perish

It’s sometimes strange the way certain verses of the bible crop up again and again at various different points along the faith journey. This was the case recently with this verse from Proverbs that my Dad gave me while I was still in High School. This morning at church the talk was based on Luke 2 v 21ff and on the man Simeon. Simeon had a vision from God that showed him that he would not die before setting his eyes on the Saviour of the whole world and human race. He had a spiritual vision that gave him hope and a gift of perspective that others perhaps did not possess. I just thought that this is a message that is almost more pertinent now, in this day and age, when hope and perspective are so difficult to come by. So, as we all face the year 2009 let our prayers be for new eyes and an inquenchible hope in God and his plans for our lifes, our families, communities, nations and the whole world. What a wonderful and refreshing perspective, without which we might as well curl up and die.

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